
On Determination and Cheerfulness

As I look out on my yard, which is chock-full of dandelions, I decide to use them as a model for survival. Here's my philosophical guide, from Richard Reynolds and The School of Life (I highly recommend you read the whole thing, it's short):

Taraxacum officinalis - the posh name for dandelions – even sounds unpleasant, like a demanding letter from HMRC. They are the definitive weeds but they are far from weedy. Dandelions are determination incarnate. “Be brave as a lion”. Fine. But “Be determined like a dandelion.” It’s not an ancient Chinese proverb, but it should be...
It’s the nature of a dandelion’s determination that is so infuriating to the lawn layer but of value as a guide to modern life. It puts down deep roots. Determination requires the confidence that comes from being grounded. This way you’ll be more resistant to the bluster above ground and able to grow and spread.
Besides, it's the basis of our tortoises' diet.

With this in mind, I am putting on some music and heading off into the studio.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful inspiration... I read the essay. Survival via cuteness - LOL. I love dandelions, and how cool that you can feed them to your tortoise!
