

Down with a cold/flu/something like that, so I'm distracting myself this weekend between naps and cups of hot tea.

Free shipping at the shop!

Robert Earl Keen and Lyle Lovett performing together (finally). Two of my favorites from my Austin Days.

Just re-watched In the Loop (2009), still funny as hell. I couldn't stop laughing. Don't watch this if you don't enjoy creative obscenities.

Currently reading:


RIP, Ray Harryhausen

Best special-effects guy ever. Images from Sunset Gunshots.

The Skeleton Army from Jason and the Argonauts. Still the scariest, and still my favorite.


Yo Mama Compliments

Just squeaked it in there... Happy Mother's Day!



Yesterday, author Maureen Johnson proposed an experiment on twitter: take your favorite novel and image what the cover might look like if it was written by someone of the opposite sex, or who was genderqueer. The results are hilarious and telling. I'm pretty sure my favorite is for Lord of the Flies.

The original:

Written by "Willa Golding":

Johnson explains:

And the simple fact of the matter is, if you are a female author, you are much more likely to get the package that suggests the book is of a lower perceived quality. Because it’s “girly,” which is somehow inherently different and easier on the palate. A man and a woman can write books about the same subject matter, at the same level of quality, and that woman is simple more likely to get the soft-sell cover with the warm glow and the feeling of smooth jazz blowing off of it.